Monday, February 17, 2025 ..:: Legacy Partners ::.. Register  Login

We have been blessed by those who came before us.  We are committed to Leaving a Legacy for those who come after us.  The Legacy Partners is designed to underwrite the operating costs of the Association so all further donations will go to the four objectives of CFBRAA, namely, help former residents of Boys Ranch and Girlstown in times of crisis and with tuition for their families, support the work Cal Farley's does in helping alumni, and building and maintaining family ties among alumni.




Legacy Partners Contribution Levels and Awards

1 Star Legacy Partner Member / $20 per month or $1,000


Five Year Completion - $1,000: Legacy Partner Plaque


2 Silver Legacy Partner Member / $50 per month or $3,000


Five Year Completion - $3,000: Silver Legacy Partner Plaque


3 Gold Legacy Partner Member / $100 per month or $6,000


Five Year Completion – $6,000:  Gold Legacy Partner Plaque + 5 Star Lapel Pin


4 Platinum Legacy Partner Member / $200 per month or $12,000


Five Year Completion - $12,000: Platinum Legacy Partner Plaque + Ring Purchase Option


5 Emerald Legacy Partner Member / $500 per month or $30,000


Five Year Completion – $30,000: Emerald Legacy Partner Plaque + Ring


6 Diamond Legacy Partner Member / Gift exceeding $10,000 in a year

Diamond Legacy Partner Plaque + Ring Purchase Option


The first $20 of Legacy Partners contributions each year will cover annual dues.  The second $20 each year will go to the operating fund.  All other contributions, unless otherwise designated, will go to the Legacy Partners Operating Fund of the CFBRAA Foundation.

Designated contributions to the endowed Scholarships funds will count towards Legacy Partner contributions.

Payments to the Legacy Partners Program can be made by monthly bank drafts, online payments, wire transfers (contact for account & routing number), PayPal or by check or money order.  (Actually, we would even accept cash.)

Cal Farley's Boys Ranch Alumni Association
ATTN:  Legacy Partners Membership
PO Box 9435
Amarillo, Texas  79105

 Cal Farley's Boys Ranch Alumni Association  -  PO Box 9435  -  Amarillo, TX  79105  -  (806) 655-3884  -

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