Monday, February 17, 2025 ..:: Online Giving ::.. Register  Login
 About PayPal

Thank you for choosing to make a contribution to the Cal Farley's Boys Ranch Alumni Association using a secure online payment resource (PayPal). 

It is important to note -  that once you get to PayPal - you'll have to create a PayPal account or log on using an existing account.  As you will notice when you get there, CFBRAA-Treasurer, Bob Sarpalius, is located in the email box - delete his email and enter your own.  Or, you may have to delete his email to create your own account.

When you have logged into PayPal you may designate your contribution with a note under "Add Special Instructions to Seller."  If you choose this is where you would designate to "Legacy Partners", or "Scholarship Fund" etc.  

Thanks again for helping us Lead a Legacy.

Click here to view IRS Determination Letter

 CFBRAA is a 501(c) (3) Tax Exempt Organization

 Cal Farley's Boys Ranch Alumni Association  -  PO Box 9435  -  Amarillo, TX  79105  -  (806) 655-3884  -

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